Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF.,, PARIS, 1968, VOL. I THE EFFECTS OF FREEZING METHOD ON SPERM FROZEN IN PLASTIC STRAWS J, W, MACPHERSON, S, CHATTERJEE, and G, J. KING, Department of Animal Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Bovine semen samples have been routinely frozen for storage and subsequent insemination in both ampoules and plastic straws with satisfactory results, The advantage of the plastic straws for storage are obvious because of the reduced space requirements, We have observed great variation in both laboratory and field results in samples frozen in nitrogen vapour as compared to those frozen in an alcohol bath when the semen was packaged in glass ampoules, This study was designed to compare by laboratory methods the effects of freezing semen packaged in plastic straws when frozen by the two methods, MATERIALS AND METHODS, A split sample technique was used to compare seventy ejaculates of bovine semen, two of which were collected from each of thirty-five bulls, One ejaculate was processed in milk extender (1) and the second was processed in Minn Go (2). The semen was packaged in ,5 ml, plastic straws with portions of all ejaculates in glass ampoules as controls, Freezing was carried out,after four hours equilibration, in the vapour above liquid nitrogen and in a programmed temperature controlled alcohol bath, Frozen samples were stored in liquid nitrogen for one week after which they were thawed in cold water and immediately examined for live spermatozoa by the method of Hackett (3)., Examination was repeated by the same method on portions of the samples following incubation at 37°C, for five hours, RESULTS, The mean per cent of live spermatozoa for samples in straws frozen in nitrogen vapour was 13,76 before incubation and 10,33 following incubation, For the same samples in straws frozen in the alcohol bath the mean per cent recovery rates were 28,91 before incubation and 22,47 after incubation, No differences were observed between extenders, Analysis of the data, Table 1, showed that the difference in per cent live spermatozoa between the straws frozen in nitrogen vapour and those frozen in the alcohol bath was significant in favour of those processed in the alcohol bath, The control semen packaged in glass ampoules and frozen in the alcohol bath had mean recovery rates of 25,36 per cent before incubation and 20,10 after incubation, 1085