Experimental test of different methods of ram sperm freezing. N.V. LOGINOVA, N.A. JELTOBRUCH Sheep research and breeding Institute, Stavropol, U.S.S.R. The motility, viability and fertilizing ability of ram semen is discussed w hen stored at =79°C in capsules using the methods of these authors, the granule method of Nagase and Niwa, and the capillary method of Soren- son and Cassou. The amount of motile spetmatozoa in the unfrozen semen ranged from 36 to 50%, and the viability in vitro at +38°C ranged from 8.6 to 9.5 hours. Frozen semen placed in the oviducts of ewes died in 5.2 hours, w hile fresh semen maintained for 9 to 10 hours., 7 out of 12 ewes conceived when inseminated in the tubes at the time of ovulation, and 11 out of 16 ova obt ained were fertilized. Some of the obtained zygotes showed signs of degeneration. 5 out of 33 ewes conceived when inseminated in the servix 10-12 hours before ovulation, but two of them lost their embryos on the 3éth and 54th days of pregnancy. 1080