Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I Technicians that have tried straws (paillettes) and pellets, prefer to use the pellets. In our country storage costs are important since our breeding program requires a heavy sorting-out, so that only 30 - 40 % of the long time stored pellets may come to use.Pellet freez- ing is simple and labour-saving and storing 1is inexpensive. RESULTS. As shown in Table II, the frozen pellet-semen has given somewhat better results than one day old fresh semen.If it can be assumed that there was no difference between the years the result which is 0.8 higher 60 days N.R.% for pellet semen, must be considered significant. In Finland all A.I. associations have adopted +the pellet freezing system and thus within the year 1968 about 800,000 cows will be inseminated by means of pellet-semen. References l. H. NAGASE & E.F. GRAHAM: Pelleted semen: Comparison of different extenders and processes on fertility of bovine spermatozoa. 1964. V Internat. Congr. Anim. Reprod.Vol.IV, 387. 2. B. STROM: Djupfrysningstekni%hoch fertilitetsresultat med pelleterad tjursperma.1966.10 =~ Nordic Veterinary Congress Vol & 3T T 45:706% 3, H. NAGASE, E.F. GRAHAM & T. NIWA:Pelleted semen:The effect of glycerol 1level and composition thawing solution on fertility of bovine spermatozoa. V Internat. Congr. Anim. Reprod. 1964. Vol. IV, 404. 4. H. NAGASE & T. NIWA:Deepfreezing bull semen in concentrat- ed pellet form. I. -Factors affecting survival of sperma- tozoa. 1964. V Internat. Congr. Anim. Reprod.Vol.IV, 410. 5. H. NAGASE, T. NIWA, S. YAMASHITA & S. IRIE: Deepfreezing bull semen in concentrated pellet form. II. -Protective action of sugars. 1964. V Internat. Congr. Anim. Reprod. Vol. IV, 498. 6. H. NAGASE, T. NIWA, S. YAMASHITA & S. IRIE: Deep freezing bull semen in concentrated pellet form. III. -Fertility. 1964. V Internat. Congr. Anim. Reprod. Vol. IV, 503. 1067