Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II THE USE OF PELLET-SEMEN IN FINLAND BRITA VON KOSKULL and JARL HEMNELL Uudenmaan ja Kymen A.I. Association, Oitbacka, Finland After the congress in Trento we began in Finland to experi- ment with freezing bull semen in pellet form. From Oct. 22nd 1965 to April 4th 1966 a split sample trial was conducted with one day old (fresh) semen and pelleted semen.For the fresh semen the extender used was sodiumcitrate: Natr. citr. neutr. Sl Glucos. anhydr. 1.0 p-Aminobenzolsulfonamid 0.3 Ag. steril. 100.0 The extender for pellets was an 18.5 % raffinose solution alternating in two week periods with 11 % lactose solution, both with 3.5 % glycerol and 15.0 % egg-yolk,the concentration being always the same in the final solution. To these three solutions 1 gr. streptomycinesulphate per liter extender was added. The dilution was made so that every pellet contained 20 - 30 million alive spermatozoa. Number of 1st | No.of 60 Days | % 60 Days Inseminations Non-Return Non-Return In this trial the pellet-semen gave 0.8 % higher 60 days 4856 3346 N.R. than one day old semen. Table I Pelleted semen Fresh semen 3889 As there was no difference between raffinose and lactose we have adopted lactose as the extender for pellet-semen. During 1966 several A.I. associations started using frozen pellet-semen instead of fresh semen. As these changes in the different associations did not occur simultaneously, we have omitted that year (1966) from the table.Comparisons were made between the results of the years 1965 and 1967 from the three largest A.I. associations in southern Finland, the fourth association, situated in central Finland has no bull-stud and buys semen from the two associations at the head of the list. 1065