Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il and early death of the embryo, just as in the case of experimental poly- spermy in the frog (5). In accordance with the peculiarities of the egg membrane structure (number of micropyles) the excess of sperm in artificial insemination is harmless for Salmonids, and leads to an increase in the percentage of unviable polyspermic embryos in Acipenserids. The method of artificial insemination of sturgeon roe recommended for pisciculture (6) therefore includes, a strict dosage of milt: the milt is to be diluted 1:200, which ensures a maximal percentage of fertilization combined with an insighi- ficant occurrence of polyspermy. The great diversity in gamete properties and the mode of their inter- action in different fishes,only partially discussed in this paper,are to be taken into account when elaborating adequate methods of artificial insemination in pisciculture. 1. SCHEURING, L. (1925). Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl. Bd 4: 181-318. STROGANOFF, N.S. (1938). Zool. Zh., 17:316-336. ELLIS, W.G. and JONES, J.W. (1939). J. exp. Biol., 16: 530- 534; ROTH, H., MEDEM, F. and A, ROTHELI (1950). Schweiz. Z. Hydrol., 12: 67-78. TURDAKOFF, A.F. (1965). Vop. lkhtiol., 5: 302-313. SMIRNOVA, E.N. and KUSMINA, S.S. (1966). Ryb. Khoz., 42: 24-26. GINSBURG, A.S. (1968). "Fertilization in Fishes and the Problem of Polyspermy," Nauka, Moscow, and others. 2. GINSBURG, A.S. (1963). J. Embryol. exp. Morp., Il: 13-33. 3. GINSBURG, A.S., ZUBOVA, S.E. and FILATO/A, L.A. (1963). In: "Sturgeon industry in basins of the USSR, " Moscow, 47-535. 4, GINSBURG, A.S. (1961). J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 9: 173-190. 5. BRACHET, A. (1910). Archs. Zool. exp. gén., Ser. 5, 6: 1-100, 6. GINSBURG, A.S. (1963). Instruction on artificial insemination of sturgeon roe, Glavrybvod, Moscow. 1039