Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il While work continues on the timing of insemination it appears that inseminations carried out between four to eight hours atter the apparent onset of oestrus can give satisfactory results. Table 1 : Conceptions Following AT by 2 Routes - No. Ewes No. Ewes CR % SR Treated in Lamb e e sk Intra-uterine by laparotomy 10 6 60 Intra- & epi- cervical per vaginum o 12 31 Table 2 : Cheviot Flock AT Results 167 - 168 e Oestrous No. Ewes No. Ewes Lambing Period Inseminated Lambed Rate % 1st 39 e 24 1st & 2nd combined 34 19 56 lst, 2nd & 3rd combined 30 24 80 e Conclusions No single development has led to a spectacular improvement in fertility rates but the total effect of the various improvements reported above has been to raise the flock fertility rate for the year 1967 from 43% to 56% for first and second inseminations combined and 80% for inseminations done over a period of up to three oestruses (Table 2). References First, N.L., Sevinge, A. and Henneman, H.A. (1961). J. Anim. SCi. ;Z_O, 79 - 84’0 Fraser, A.F. (1962). Canad. Vet. J. 3, 133 - 1l44. Kalev, G. and Venkov, T. (1961). Animal Breeding Abstracts. 32, 3, 290. Nagase, H. and Niwa, T. (1963). Jap. J. An. Reprod. 9, T35 1035