It was observed that glycerol concentrations above 4% had a toxic effect on spermatozoa, altering their morphology to give many "bent tail" forms. It was also noted that complex media gave poorer results than simplified ones. It was concluded that the most ideal process would be one fulfilling the following requirements: ( ( ( ( Freezing by the pelleting method (Nagase and Niwa, 1963) was clearly indicated and all subsegquent freezing work was done by this method using a medium consisting of 25% egg yolk, 71.5% lactose (11% solution) and %.5% glycerol, The equilibration period was two hours. _Pellets were thawed rapidly in a temperature of 45°C. ) A low rate of dilution. ) A final concentration of glycerol less than 4%. A rapid rate of freezing. A simplified medium, o' © Qo0 NN With this method adopted as a standard one for freezing, further studies have been directed at the suitability otf raw ejaculates, the improvement of AI instruments and handling methods for ewes and the optimum time for insemination. (b) Semen collection and insemination. It has been found that freezing results are poorer when the ejaculate is unduly admixed with accessory fluids as may occur in electro-ejaculation. A disposable plastic insemination rod with a beaded tip and angled neck has been found the most suitable instrument for effecting deep intra-cervical inseminations. The experiment summarised in table 1 indicates the desirability of a deep deposition of semen. The reduction of stress in the handling of the ewe has been found important and an improved restraining crate has been found helpful. 1034