as a means of estimat%ng male reproductive activity without sacrifice of the animal. The capture of animals was accomplished by driving them into runways leading to boxes with trap doors. As the doors were opened, the deer jumped toward daylight and were caught in rope nets. Restraint was accomplished by holding the deer in right lateral recumbancy with one man on the head and shoulders, one man holding the front legs, and one man holding the hind legs. Although various methods and equipment were used, the following procedures appeared to work best. It had been observed from previous work, that deer are very susceptible to fear precipitated shock and that merely restraining the animals had resulted in several deaths. The only deer lost in this study was a mature buck that was subjected to repeated ejaculations in a period of approximately 20 minutes. Necropsy reports indicated that signs of circulatory shock were prevalent when this animal died 12 hours later. It was found that satisfactory collections could be made without the use of general anesthesia. Several types of electrical ejaculators were used and one that proved satisfactory delivered on a graduated scale 0 to 750 milliamps of alternating current. The maximum voltage produced was 33 volts. A rectal probe was used which was 2.5 cm in diameter and 17 cm in length. The probe was Tightly lubricated with a non-insulating lubricant and inserted just inside the anus. Current was gradually increased and then reduced to zero over about a 5 second interval. The stimulus was repeated and the Tevel of current increased each time until erection and then ejaculation was obtained. There was variation as “o the amount of 1002