Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF.,, PARIS, 1968, VOL. II Collection of Deer Semen by Electro-ejaculation by Bierschwal's Gl xS Mather VE G S Martin T C N el X2 Murphy, D. A.+; Korschgen, L. J.+ Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A. Reports are scarce concerning'the collection or eva1dation of semen obtained from wild animals other than from testicular biopsies or from samples obtained during necropsy.z’9 Because of the desire to evaluate male reproductive performance seasonaly and from year to year, other methods of evaluation are needed. Electrical and mechanical devices of various sorts are in use to produce erection and ejaculation of semen in domestic animals as well as laboratory anima1s.1’3’4’5 Electrical stimulation has also been reported to result in ejaculation in pr‘imates.s’8 This study reports the techniques used to collect semen from undomesticated deer (Odocoileus virginianus) at the Charles W. Green Experimental and Research Wildlife Area, Columbia, Mo. Deer used in this study were penned both in groups and singly. During the breeding season, a male and female were combined in Targe runs and their behavior was observed under various experimental conditions. An analysis of semen was suggested * University of Missouri, Section of Obstetrics and Reproductive Diseases, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Columbia, Mo. + : : : 4 ; Research Biologist, Missouri Department of Conservation, Columbia, Mo. 1001