Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il Table 1. Comparison of per cent unstained spermatOZoao (Eosin-nigrosin stain) in semen tgawed At BEE in 12 sec. and semen thawed at 35 C in 30 sec. Ram no.of 4 un- Straws thawed Strawg ‘thawed S a0 G RS Ua il Tl e o G (i O st T at 35 5CTin Dt sperm 12 sec. 30 sec. in un- no.of % un- no.of % un- % un- frozen sperm stain. sperm stain. stain. semen count. count. Gotl.I 8 70 3600 51 3600 30 21 Dala I 1 68 600 38 600 20 18 GotlaELs 3 400 52 400 35 i Dalal Hir2 75l 1400 55 1400 37 18 Got Rt ol 72 400 61 400 49 12 Dala ira s 76 800 61 800 L8 13 Gotl s EVia i 70 800 52 800 39 13 Dala IV 1 81 1,00 58 400 39 19 Gotl.V it 83 400 6L 400 41 23 Go b1Vl 80 400 57 400 36 21 Table 2. Results of insemination with semen frozen in straws. no.of ewes non inseminated ret. % n.r. % pregn. XBy slaughtering of 7 ewes, 4 were found pregnant in the eight ewe pregnancy was stated by X-ray. 979