Insemination are performed with an inseminator, fig.l and plastic speculum. The same type equipment are used for liquid semen, and it is found to be convenient in use and practically no loss of semen occurse. Table 2 shows the results of insemination. In experiment 1 the inseminations are carried out on an A.I. centre for sheep. Age of the semen was about 1 month, and 2 insemina- tions in the same heat are used. Of 18 ewes inseminated 11 did not return in heat and are supposed to be pregnant. In experiment 2 the semen was stored in 10-1L days. Of 8 ewes 5 did not come in heat. By slaughtering of 7 ewes, L were found pregnant - 2 with twins and 2 with single. In ewe number 8 pregnancies was stated by X-ray, but number of features is not known. Fig.l. Insemination equipment for straws. 978