Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il FREEZING OF RAM SEMEN IN STRAWS By J.Aamdal and K.Andersen Inst. of Reproductive Physiology and -Pathology Veterinary College of Norway, Oslo, Norway. A number of experiments with freezing of ram semen have been carried out (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,:7).: In all theselex= periments the semen has been frozen in ampulles. In the following an experiment with freezing of ram semen in straws is reported. Materials and Methods. Semen was collected with artificial vagina from Gotland breed (Swedish) and Dala breed (Norwegian). Dilution im- mediately after collection with lactose diluent proposed by Nagase and Graham 1964 (8): 11% lactose, L4,7% glyserol + 20% egg yolk. Different diluters have been tried, and we found lactose diluent most suitable. Our experience with insemination of sheep with fresh semen shows that conception rate decrease if dilution exceed 1:10, and in this experiment dilution 1l:4 - 1:6 have been used. Aftes dilution the semen was stored in a refrigerator +4 - +5°C and filled into straws by a syringe. The straws are of same types used for bull semen (9) 65 mm in length and with a total amount of semen of ca. 0,3 ml. About 60 mine. after collection the straws were frozen in the va- pour above liquid nitrogen (10) and stored in liquid nitrogen. Different thawing methods has been tried, and we found fast thawing superior to slow thawing (9). Table 1 shows the comparison of per cent unstained spermagozoa (Eosin- nigrosin stain) (11l) in_straws thawed at 75 C in 12 sec. and straws thawed at 35 C in 30 sec. In average the per cent unstaingd spermatozoa are about 17% higher in semen thawed at 75 C. The motility is not recorded in the table, but we found about the same differences in motility between the two thawing methods as for staining. In the comparison of thawing at 35 C in 30 sec. or 15 sec. we found no difference. 977