a comparison of perocent unstained spermatozoa in stgaws thawed at 35 C in 30 sec. and straws thawed at 75°C in 12 sec. The two different diluters lactose-di- luter and milk-diluter are used. In both groups a con- siderable difference respectively is found. » comparison of thawing at 350C in 30 and 15 sec. gave no difference. Table 1. Comparison of percentage ugstained gpermatozoa in straws thawed at 35 C and WS- Cre Diluent for group I : 11% lactose - L4,7% glyce- rol - 20% eggyolk. Dildent for group II: 11% skimmed milkpowder - 2¢ fructose - 7% glycerol - 5% eggyolk. Strgws thawed at Strgws thawed at 35-C in 30 sec. ZSsCainy Lesisecte Differen- No.of No.of % un- No.of % un- ggogezzé bulls sperm stained sperm stained 35oC count. sperm count. sperm 7 Group I 20 20270 46,8 23580 60,8 11,0 Gronpr Tl 119 10590 46,0 12880 67,9 21,9 I A, D T et e In addition to these experiments a field trial was carried out, comparing per cent N.R. after insemination with semen frozen in ampulles %nd semen frozen in straws, thawed in jce-water and at 75 C in 12 sec. - respectively. Plastic tubes adapted to straws have been used for insemination (8). The comparison involved semen of seven different bulls of Norwegian breed and was based upon split samp- les. The diluent used for ampulles was skimmed milkpow- der - fructose - eggyolk - glycerol (6), and for straws lactose - eggyolk - glycerol (5). The results of the first part of this trial have been reported earlier this year (9) and the final results are given in table 2.