Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I FAST THAWING OF BULL SEMEN FROZEN IN STRAWS. By J.Aamdal and K.Andersen Inst. of Reproductive Physiology and -Pathology Veterinary College of Norway, Oslo, Norway. In the first experiments on freezing Bull spermatozoa Smith & Polge (1950) (1) thawed at 40 C. Since then a number of investigations concerning semen frozen in ampulles have been carried out, comparing thawing at temperatures ranging from O C. A short review was given in 1965 by Pickett et al (2) who came to the conclusion in their own experiments that thaw%ng in ice-water was superior to thawing in water at 15 C. In experiments concerning bull spermatozoa frozen in straws Jondet in 1964 (3) used thawing in water at 5 C.- Cassou quoted by Dyrepdahl in .1966 (4) recommended thaw- ing in water at 30-35C in 30 sec. Materials and Methods. In this experiment Norwegian-made straws of polyvinyl- chloride are used (length 65 mm, diameter 3 mm). Semen is filled into the straws with a syringe and stoppered by a plastic plug at each end. Two different diluents are used: l. 114 lactose - 20% eggyolk - 4,7% glycerol (5). 2. 11% skimmed-milkpowder - 2% fructose - 5% eggyolk (6). Dilution rate is 1:10 to 1:25, and the semen is equili- brated in 3 hours and frozen in the vapour above liquid nitrogen (3). The straws are thawed by immersion in water, and semen quality is measured by counting the percentage of unstain- ed spermatozoa after staining with eosin-nigrosin (7). We found thawing at +4 C inferior to thawing at 35 C. Also thawing at room temperature (20 °C) in air or in water gave lower percentage of unstained spermatozoa than at +35 C. By increasing the temperature of the thawingwater, a further increase of unstained spermato- zoa was seen. For example, thawing of the straws in boiling water in 6 sec. gave a considgrably higher per- centage of unstained sperm than at 35 C. A more conveni- ent temperature to work with is 75 C, and table 1 shows 973