All the animals were in the age of sexual maturity weighing from 80- 200 kg and were apparently healthy when slaughtered. The number of the examined animals were 25 in all. The karyological analysis was made on leucocytes taken from peripherial blood and cultured in vi- tro according to MOORHEAD et al/10/with modific-— ation by STEFFEN/11/. On autopsy the reproduc- tive tract was examined anatomically and samples for histological examination were taken. 1.ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY OF REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS In the examined organs structures deriving both from Wolfian and Millerian ducts were found.There were found both epididymis in 19 cases, ductus deferens in 6, seminal vesicles in 5, penis in 4 cases.Simultanously 23 uteri and 21 vaginae were found. In each animal individual differences were found in particular organs and their mutual pro- portion. Histological examination of the gonads distin- guished three types of +tissue structures: testes ovaries and ovotestis.In the testes seminiferous tubules and well developed interstitial +tissue could be recognized.The tubules contained Sertoli cells only;there was no active spermatogenesis. Graafian follicles of 2-5 mm diameter with several layers of granulosa could be seen in the ovaries. The follicles contained oocytes. There were no traces of luteinization. The presence of ovarian and testicular structures in one of the gonads was characteristic for +the ovotestis.The ovarian structure was usually found in the cortex and the testicular tissue in the medulla. Summar- izing the left gonad had testicular structure in 14 cases,ovarian in 2 and ovotestis in 7. In the right gonad there was testicular structure in 19, ovarian in 1 and ovotestis in 5 cases. Histologi- cal examination of +the gonads of the 25 inter- /410/MOOREEAD P.S.,P.C NOWELL,W.J ,MELIMAN,D, M, BATIPPS, D.A,HUNGERFORD,1960.Exp.Cell Res., 20:613-616. /11/ J .STEFFEN, H,MAIK,1966.Genet.Pol.,7:99-102. 910