| Vle CONG. INTERN, REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. I CHROMOSOME SEX DETERMINATION OF INTERSEXUAL PIGS/SUS SCROFA DOMESTICUS/ H.MAIK and L.JASKOWSKI Department of Reproductive Physiopathology and Insemination Veterinary Institute,Bydgoszcz,Poland Sex chromatine in somatic cells nuclei of intersexual animals was found by CANTWELL/1/{ His work apparently explained all intersexual pigs to be chromosome females. Later studies in humans indicated disagreement between the numbers of Barrs bodies and chromosome X. This made further investigation to determine sex chromosomes in intersexes necessary .MAKINO/2/ was the first to analyze the karyotype in one hermafroditic pig. Similar research was conducted by others/3-9/. The number of examined cases,to small to lead to broader generalization,induced us to take up similar work covering a larger material. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Animals with anatomical disturbances in the reproductive tract or sexual behaviour inconsistent with developed sexual organ were used for the investigation.As the ori- gin of the animals was not known no genetic anal- ysis was done. /1/ G.E.CANTWELL, E,F.JOHNSTON, J.H,ZELLER,1958. J.Heredit.,49:199-201. /2/ S.MAKINO, M.S.SASAKI, T.SOFUNI, T.ISHIKAWA, 1962 .Proc.Jap.Acad.,38:686-689. /3/ B.,HENRICSON, L.BAKSTROM,1963.Proc.11th Intern Congr.Genet.,1:137. /4/ W.H.GERNEKE,1964.S.Afric.J.Sci.,60:373-376. /5/ W.A HARD, J.D.EISEN,1965.J.Hered.56:254-258 /6/ A.F.MCFEE, M.KNITH, M.W.BANNER,1966.Can.J. Gent.Cytol.,8:502-505. /7/ A.RERZONI,1965.Chromos.Newsletter,18:150. /8/ L.LOJDA, M.RUSZOWA,1966.Fortpfl.Haust.,2:374- 382. /9/ D.T.VOGT,1966.J.Anim.Sci.,25:252.