DISCUSSION. The finding of a blastocyst with a high percentage of tetraploid cells suggests that chromosome abnormalities may be associated with early embryonic mortality in the bovine. Although it is unknown to what extent, if any, the tetra- ploid cells might have influenced the future development of the blastocyst, we have not seen such a high percentage of tetraploidy in over 800 cows we have examined and from this concluded that this condition would probably be lethal to the embryo. A much larger survey must be made, how- ever, before we can know the importance chromosome abnormalities have in early embryonic death in the bovine. The mosaic condition most 1ikely arose as a result of the failure of an early cleavage divi- sion after chromosome replication with the subse- quent development of a diploid cell line and also a tetraploid cell line. The sex chromosomes are compatible with this hypothesis. The presence of only 1 corpus luteum tends to rule out fusion of 2 blastocysts, 1 diploid and the other tetraploid. However, one possibility is that there was fusion of a fertilized egg with a fertilized polar body, 1 diploid, the other tetraploid. The complexity of this mechanism tends to rule it out. Another mechanism which can be postulated is that the blastocyst was originally a pure tetraploid and subsequently a diploid set of chromosomes were lost from 1 cell in mitosis. This also appears to be a complex mechanism which is difficult to explain. Unfortunately, there is no way that this problem can be solved at the present time. From studies on pigs (5) and rabbits (3), it is known that delayed fertilization causes an increase in the number of chromosome abnormalities in embryos. It is interesting to speculate about the increased possibility of delayed fertilization in species where artificial insemination is preva- lent and timing of insemination is not controlled by receptivity of the female. It is possible that chromosome abnormalities could play a significant role in reproductive failure in the bovine where artificial insemination is widely practiced. 906