examination of this bull could not give any guidance for the diagnosis of chimerism. I thank the laboratory technicians, Mrs. I. Heinze and Mrs. E.M. Larsen for their assistance. The work was supported by grant from Statens almindelige Videnskabs- fond (The Danish State Research Foundation) No. V7/66. References Basrur, P.K., V.R. Basrur & J.P.W. Gilman: A simple method for short term cultures from small biopsies. Exp. CellRes. 1963, 30, 229-232. Blom, E.: On the evaluation of bull semen with special reference to its employment for artificial insemination. Thesis 1950, Carl Fr. Mor- tensen, Copenhagen. Moorhead, P.S., P.C. Nowell, W.J. Mellman, D.M. Battips & D.A. Hunger- ford: Chromosome preparations of leukocytes cultured from human peripheral Blood. Exp. Cell Res. 1960, 20, 613-616. Willett, E.L. & J.I. Ohms: Measurement of testicular size and its relation to production of spermatozoa by bulls. J. Dairy Sci. 1957, 40, 1559-1569. 888