TABLE 2 Cases of intersexual conditions in goats and their cxtogenetic sex Author No. cases Cytogenetic Male Shik Eseudohermaghrodite Basrur & Coubrough (1964) Ik XX DeGrouchy, Lauvergne & 16 XX Ricordeau (1965) Ilbery & Williams (1967) 6 XX McFeely, Hare & Biggers (1967) 3 XX Others Padeh, Wysoki, Ayalon 1 XX/XY & Soller (1965) Ilbery & Williams (1967) 1t XX/XY TABLE 3 Cases of intersexual conditions in pigs and their cytogenetic sex _— Author No. cases Cytogenetic , Male o pseudohermaphrodite McFeely, Hare & Biggers (1967) 2 XX Sasaki, Sotoni & Ishikawa (1962) g XX Hard & Eisen (1965) 1 XX Vogt (1966) 1 XX Gerneke (1964, 1967) 8 XX Renzoni (1965) 3 XX Henricson & Backstrum (1963) 1 XX Others McFee, Knight & Banner (1966) 1 XX /XY Bruere, Fielden & Hutchings (1968) 1 XX/XY