Many other Papers describe single individuals having an XX/XY chromosome constitution but in View of the frequency of freemartinism, the origin of these cases are ambiguous unless i Ewa Nk gl ) information was lost. Also there is the pPOssibility that the male foetus dieq in utero and was resorbed or aborted. These cases must therefore be very carefully studied before a5 Suggestion as to their aetiology can be made. one cow. All three cases had an XY sex chromosome constitution. hermaphrodite calf with an XX/XY sex chromosome constitution involving leucocytes, bone marrow, kidney ang testes cells. rare occasions. At that time no Cytogenetic studies had been made on sheep intersexes. Other cases have now been observed and studied cytogenetically by Gerneke (1965, 1967) , Bruere (1967) ana Bruere and McNab (1968) . Gerneke examined two cases 846