Vie CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. |l RECENT CYTOGENETIC STUDIES ON INTERSEXES IN DOMESTIC MAMMALS During the last few years several studies have been made on the cytogenetics of intersexes and related conditions in do- mestic mammals. The number of cases in each species is still very limited, and, with the exception of the cow, are so few they can still be listed individually. I will consider each species in turn. Cow The cytogenetics of intersexuality has been studied in the cow more extensively than in any other species, because of the frequency of freemartinism. Thus no attempt will be made to enumerate all cases. There is now ample evidence to show that freemartins in the cow have an XX/XY sex chromosome constitu- tion. Many examples of intersexual cattle with XX/XY sex chromo- somes have been described. Table 1 shows the cases of XX /XY chimerism which fulfill the following criteria of freemartinism: (a) All freemartins are known cases of heterosexual multiple births, (b) All males are normal from the point of view of gonadal and phenotypic sex, (c) Cultures of blood leucocytes from at least two hetero- sexual litter mates contain XX and XY cells, (d) Cultures of other types of cells do not show chimerism. 845