,») . The following definitions are used: sexes, or be genetically one sex and phenotypically the other. A true hermaghrodite has the gonads of both sexes, either as a separate ovary and testis, or combined into an Ovotestis. A Eseudohermaghrodite has the gonads of one sex only, but Possesses reproductive Organs with some of the characteristics of the opposite Sex. Such an individual is classed as a male or female on the type of gonad bpresent. Thus a male pseudo- hermaphrodite has largely female external genitalia, but the gonadal tissue is testicular. A chimera is an individual with cell lines derived from different genotypes, for eéxample by fusion of early cleavage stages or by an exchange of cells in utero. A mosaic is an individual with different cell lines which have arisen in development, for eéxample by mitotic nondysjunction. Often the words chimera ang mosaic are used interchange— ably since frequently the origin of the different cell lines are unknown. 844