Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il H, MERKT - Artificial insemination andhorse breeding...... 2% R. MOBERG - Investigations concerning the occurrence of early embryonicdeath (B reqd)Sintthelmare i iR S 100l e Y. NISHIKAWA, Y. WAIDE, S. SHINOMIYA - Studies on deep freezing O EhOR S e PO P AT OZ O TN s ool s s e nsis a: ol aiel € opls e e helyl chb SRRy V. OSBORNE - An appraisal of the efficiency of the official months of the thoroughbred and standardbred stud season in Austra- L e Sl Ty s o d e aai e e e e el fa e Tt a o et st ot patyo i s i oSS H. OSHIDA, S. HORIUCHI, H. TAKAHASHI, T, TOMIZUKA, H. NAGASE - Fertility of frozen stallion semen and some fac- tons atfceting it . oiaas SISy s iy o M TR R 5y R 0 i £ A,H.J. RAJAMANNAN - Freezing and fertility studies with stallion B ORI Rl S o S ot et T S RNV Ao iy e R S.M, ROMBE, V.A., KOTYAGINA - Long-term preservation of stallion