J. THIMONIER, P. MAULEON, F. du MESNIL du BUISSON - Action d'un progestagéne (FGA) administré par voie vaginale sur les chaleurs et la fertilité de la Truie en fin de lactation,.. .. . 1531 M. VARADIN, M, MARJANOV - An attempt to synchronize estrus in sows by applying progesterone and gonadotropic prepara- i e i G e T 86 8k Sloril oo ol aer a0 1013 Loin h o S o I o 1535 A.H, WILLEMSE - Relation between the day of the oestrual cycle at the time of the intravaginal application of a MAP impregna- ted sponge and synchronisation rate and conception rate in deexelsshecpil o, BRI S R AT el e e la e, b e el e Sietetese 1 538 H., LL. WILLIAMS, LL.S. WIGGAN - The effect of external sti- muli on the onset of breeding season of Welsh Mountain ewes 1543 TABLES RONDES - PANELS DIVERS - FREE CONMMUNICATIONS st G Insémination artificielle des Juments Artificial Insemination in horse Président : W, BIELANSKI Chairman!s speech.q sise s s s BB AR e o, e SR A 1549 PEDTNION . (G00T -5 e s i s M o M 2 e Ak 1549 G.H. ARTHUR - The effects on equine reproductive function of uterine infusion of saline, .., .. Sl 5% e S0 et ToTOTR, i v B AT b s 1551 W. BIELANSKI, Z. ZAPLETAL - Ovulation in shg-mules : A re- IO 0 L T B e b e o R 1555 J. M. BOWEN - An induced cystic ovarian condition in the mare 1559 F.L.M. DAWSON - Contribution to discussion at the panel on arti- SRl IS alion of the' Mwe,, Y, 00T e . 1563 €&l Van, DUIJN Jr. - Seminal characteristics and fertility of stallions., ... BRGNS 8 e L S A ek SRl ey 1565 M.A. HADI - Analysis of environmental components controlling oestrus and fertile services (ovulation) in Indian stabled horses 1569 R. HOPPE - Embryonic mortality in the mare. ........ v R R 1573 C.E. KNOOP - Freezing equine semen for use in artificial inse- R OO, Lok .65 501 4 S N R o ks 1 ¢ . .............