Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. Il J. BOENDER - Morphological changes of the acrosome of boar spermatozoa during aging and cold shockivss .2l T e 5y T. BONADONNA, D, FORNAROLI, L. PEROTTI, G. SUCCI, P.N. ROYCHOUDHURY - Dilution avec de l'eau distillée de la se- mence de Taureau et quantité de hyaluronidase dans le mi- Tiets dietre ot st LGS T Lo bl e kel SO o 619 st L.M. BURUIANA, ANCA DEMA - L'activité de la 5' - nucléotidase du liquide séminal du Taureau et fertilité................. E. CATSAROS - Aspects sur les critéres du pouvoir fécondant du sperme de I'Etalon.. ... eetn ol s R ek s R C. CIMPEAN, N. CIMPEAN, N. BUTUCESCU - Aspects morpho- logiques électrono-optiques du spermatozoide de Taureaunor- maldet ssonmis auxs dilutiIon Sl ekt sieze okeists H.M. DOTT - Effect of sudden cooling on the proportion of eosi- nophilic bull, ram and rabbit ejaculated spermatozoa in di- luted and indiluted semen G, "Van DUIIN' Jr; J:H»sVan EITEROP = Reciprocity law failure forlight sensitivity of bull spermatozoa ....... B Sl eishie A, HANADA, H. NAGASE - DNA content of bull spermatozoa after freezing and thawing.....eeeeeececcerescecenneeens R.A.P. HARRISON - Hexokinases in semen from the bull, boar and’ TamL, .o ool oefels e s 8800000 e e s e e s e e 00 e e e .. C.J.G. van der HORST - The occurrence of phenylpyruvic acid and other keto acids in boar semen,. G. KICHEV, P. MARINOV, G, KALEV, Z, ZAKHARIEV, S. ZLA- TAREV - BiugHue JUMOHHOH KHCIOTH Ha BHXKWBaeMOCTbHb KUBUUKOB Y KDPYIHOTO POTEATOTO:eeeeenseoasossooscensns The effect of citric acid on the vitality of bovine spermato- ZOB,sesossessososcssssssssssscseses s e s s 0 s s s s s s 0000 s s G.J. KING, J.W, MACPHERSON - The effects of seminal vesicu- lectomy on fertility of frozen bovine semen.. H.H. KOEFOED-JOHNSEN, J. FULKA, V. KOPECNY - Stability of thymine in spermatozoal DNA during storage in vitro.... J.G. KURYLO - AKTHBHOCTb HEKOTOPHX TJIHKOIUTHUECKUX B cBexeft M XpaHeHHOW cnepMe XpAKa PepMEHTOB U MIEPEXU- BAEMOCTh CIEPMHUEB..... 3 ............................ Activité de certains enzymes glycolytiques et survie des spermatozoides dans le sperme de Verrat frais et conservé D.I. MALIKOV - 3aBUCHMOCTH KaueCTBa COXPaHAEeMOI'O CeMeHH 6apaHa OT YPOBHA aTMOCPEepHOTO IABICHHUA H COJHEUHOHU T L) C T Vel s e e s e+ ks (o hadel she et e R e alto oo e Cul oitele i sbalioTotiolts : The relation between the quality of stored ram semen, atmo- spheric pressure and solar activity IX 1217 1221 1225 1229 1231 1235 1239 1243 1247 1251 1255 1255 1259 1263 1267 1267 1271