Vle CONG. INTERN. REPROD. ANIM. INSEM. ARTIF., PARIS, 1968, VOL. II C. NORMAN, N.H. JOSHI, A. KHAN, A.V. RAI - Conservation of buffalo semen at room temperatures in coconut milk ex- tender (CME)........ T et e e e Cc. NORMAN, Y. UDAGAWA, M. BIEDMA, O, BOJANOVICH, D. GROVE, T.N. DOCKER, A.V. AREVALO, N,H. JOSHL ATV RAI - Advancement of artificial insemination programs in developing countries through the use of coconut milk extender (CNIE) =T v v s s e i ey NOUR EL-DIN A. ALY, M.Y. ABBOUD, M. A. OMAR, A.A,YOUNES - Application of eosin for differential staining of buffalo - spermatozoa, III -Background stains for differential staining of buffalo semen,......cooeceeeeeen Crsie e iy S 2 NOUR EL-DIN A. ALY, M.A. OMAR, A.A. YOUNES, M.Y. ABBOUD - Application of eosin for differential staining of buffalo- spermatozoa. I -Efficiency of fluorescein derivates for diffe- rential staining of buffalo spermatozoa...... et oL . NOUR EL-DIN A. ALY, A.A. YOUNES, M.Y. ABBOUD, M.A. OMAR - Application of eosin for differential staining of buf- falo-spermatozoa, II -Stain concentration and sperm diffe- rentiation in buffaloeS....ccov0vesss T o F.I. OSTACHKO, J.V. KALUGIN, M, Kh. GLUZMAN, .B.I. DASHESKAYA - Crnoco6 3aMOpaxuBaHWA CHepMH OHKOB B cpelnax, CONeDPXANUX HONUOTHIEHOKCHI . «vveenrevoeesne 5 Bull sperm freezing technique in medium containing polyethy- Tene =0XY A€ /i /oeis sussiss s i e P F.I. OSTACHKO, V.A. TSCHOURKOV - MaHO-Ie PBUKAJIbHHEA Me - TOJ MCKYCCTBEHHOTO OCEMEHEHUA KOPOB.:oeesreeeeeeees : Manu-cervical technique of artificial insemination on the cow H. PAVUNA, B, SIMUNIC, A, LJUJIC - Entwicklung und Stand der kiinstlichen Besamung der Rinder in Jugoslawien (1946 - .............. e e s e s s s 00 s s s s e A.H.J. RAJAMANNAN, E.F. GRAHAM - Film freezing of semen A.H.J. RAJAMANNAN, E.F. GRAHAM - Spin freezing of semen,... I.I. RODIN - CpaBHUTEJbHOE H3yUEHUE CHEePMONPOLYKIHHA OHKOB IpHM COOMpPEHUM CIHEepPMH B MCKYCCTBEHHHE BAarWHH Da3HHX KOHCTPYKIHUM e e o o e e vovoncoceccacasans Py R ey i Etude comparative de la production de sperme de Taureaux au cours de collectes dans des vagins artificiels de diffé- rents modeles..... S ek R.W. SAINSBURY - Freezing of ram semen in Cassou straws.,.. G.E. SEIDEL Jr., R.H. FOOTE - Motion pictures of ejaculation dnE e S Bl = e 1115 1119 1123 1125 1127 1129 112'9 1133 1133 1137 1141 1145 1147 1147 1151 1153