63 Prometheus: One of your own progeny. Io: What do you say—will my chud save you? Prometheus: The third one born after ten generations. Io: You prefigure matters mystic. Prometheus: Leave your future iikewise shaded. Io: Proffer not what you wit withdraw. Prometheus: I shall grant the choice of two stories. Io: What two? Explain then let me choose. Prometheus: Choose either to know of your sufferings still in store or of my deliverer. Chorus: Bestow upon Io one story; reserve the other tale for me. Show Io the range of her toil to come; I long to learn of your ultimate freedom. Prometheus: Since you insist, I shall not deny the explana- tions you desire. First, Io, I shall describe the path of your pas- sing to and fro;engrave in into memory’s tablet. After you cross the stream that parts the continents, trek toward the East where the setting sun steps all aglow.Then cross the surging sea of Pontos to the Gorgonean plains of Cisthene, until you reach those ancient maidens, Phorcys’ daughters, like swans in body, possessing a single tooth and eye for their common use—dreary daughters, on whom the beams of sun never bend nor the moon of night; and close nearby are their sisters three with swooping wings and locks of looped-snakes, whom man- kind most detests and never sees still to draw breath—so take care. Returning to the hideous panorama, I warn you, beware the shrieking hounds of Zeus, gryphons with acid fangs, and the mounted Arimaspians, a one-eyed race settled about Plu- to’s flood which gushes gold; approach not these. Then you shall reach a land remote which nourishes a dusky race dwel- ling at the place the sun springs forth on the Aethiop. Follow