61 Chorus: Speak, instruct me; to the sick it is solace clearly to fathom the course of their illness. Prometheus: Your previous request has been quickly ob.- tained, for you desired first to learn from Io’s lips the tale of her ordeal; but hearken, mark the march of pain succeed- ing pain which Hera will impose upon this tender maid— you, Inachus’ daughter—hold my words close to your heart, that you may learn the tokens of your journey’s end. First turn yourself toward the rising sun and trace your steps over fields untilled, when you shall come to Scythian no- mads, who, aloft on wagon wheels, in woven cabins rudely live; far-darting bows accouter them, so draw away, and push beyond this sullen host; then guide your feet along the rug- ged rocks which touch the rasping sea—on the left hand dwell the Chalybes, who work in iron, a savage race repelling strangers, so be wary all the while; next will you reach Hy- bristes’ stream—a torrent not unjustly named—cross it not, it is hard to cross, until you arrive at Caucasus, whose tops top all the other peaks, and the river spews its might and main from out the mountain’s very brow; its star-bordered crest you must overleap then straightway cleave a southward path, making your way to the maiden band of furious, man- hating Amazons. Someday Themiscyra they will settle, a place on the Thermodon, where Salmydessus’ jagged jaws— stepmother of gallant ships—await the mariner with evil entertainment, but the maidens will gladly guide you on your way. At the portals of the mere making passage narrow you will find Cimmerian isthmus, but this you must abandon and boldly plunge into Maeotic channel. The story of your crossing there will be renowned for ever more and men will call it Bosphorus. Then leaving European soil over Asia you will