60 cles in dark words couched, sayings riddling and ambiguous; but finally a message unmistakable came unto Inachus, charg- ing and commanding that he thrust me forth from home and fatherland and make me roam at large to earth’s far ends, a consecrated virgin. If he refused, a thunderbolt with face of flame would fast descend from Zeus upon his fellow men and utterly extinguish them. But he obeyed these prophecies of Loxias and drove me forth reluctantly and locked his door on me unwilling and forlorn. Fear of Zeus forced him to acts re- lentless—at once my face and understanding were deformed. So, with horns, as you see me now, and stung by the gadfly’s fierce fang, I rushed with frenzied leaps and starts to the fair- flowing stream of Cerchnea, toward Lerna’s fount, while follow- ing close was herdsman Argus, sprung from earth, indul- ging his rage indomitable upon me, pressing at my steps with his dreadful array of eyes thick-set, until stealthy death crept unforseen to reft him from all living things. While I, still plagued by the gadfly’s goad, am driven by a lash divine and made toroam from land to land. Now you know of my toiling so far, if you can tell me what remains, O tell me all! If you pity me g.ld not the facts with stories false. Deceitful words I deem to be more hateful than my misery. Chorus: Ah, Ah! Enough, enough! Never never I expected words so strange to meet my ears; such terror, such terri- ble woes, such wretchedness, such burdens to bear and bur- dens to see I never conceived would rend my heart as a two- pronged goad! O Fate, O august Fate, a thrill of fear seizes my soul as I behold the doom of lo. Prometheus: : You are full of fear and mourn too soon, forbear and the remainder learn.