58 Prometheus: How should I not have heard her voice? She is Inachus’ frenzied daughter, the maid who fires Zeus’ heart with love and Hera fills with hate. Whence she is chas- tised by the gadfly’s lash and forced to wander a wearisome course. Io: Who uttered just now my father’s name? O tell me ‘who you are and how you knew of me the desolate one. How came to you news of the pest charged with madness for me, with famine and shame? Frantic and famished I am whirled along, an anguished mark of Hera’s anger. O who of those Fate frowns upon undergoes what I have undergone? Be there a cure, make it plain to me, speak, if you know, and what sorrows remain for me, footsore, to foliow. Prometheus: I shall tell you plainly aft you wish to learn, not in riddling fashion but in simple friendly terms. First of all, you look upon Prometheus, who gave men fire. Io: Why, O unhappy Prometheus, why must you who served men suffer penalties? Prometheus: I have just ceased recounting my troubtes to these. To: Then you win not grant me the knowiedge I seek? Prometheus: Ask what you will, you may learn it from me. To: Tell me who fettered you to this ravine. Prometheus: The wish of Zeus and hand of Hephaistus. To: For what mighty crime are you punished thus? Prometheus: Let it suffice I have shown you so much. To: Yet, further reveal the goal of my roaming. How long 'will my wretchedness persist? Prometheus: This knowledge were better unknown to you. Jo: O do not conceal what my sufferings will teach, Prometheus: It is not that I begrudge your request.