5T as I muse, sitting through your sessions with fate and ruin, a new and differing tune does come suddenly steaiing over me, so unlike the woeful one; a melody I sang when you wed, about your bridal bed and bath, when my sister you won,, Hesione, and down the path I led a dance of nuptial joyance.. (1o enters from below, weaving slightly to the agitated rhythm of the verse. The appearance of Io horned like a heifer, punished by incessant roaming, contrasts with the immobile figure of the Titan, like the ceaseless perturbation of the sea washing: against the inflexible rock.) Io: What land is this, what people? Who is he whom I see: blasted, bound, by rocky bonds? Tell me why you lie pros-- trate beneath the sky? What crime atone? What have you done? Let me know to what far land I hit upon roaming, despised, alone. O more misery! Again I feei the gadfly’s: sting. Save me, land, O send away this spectre of earth-born Argus. Fear creeps over me, for look—how the thousand-- eyed herdsman hovers, pursuing me with his crafty stare. Though he is dead no earth can cover him. He passed from: among the shades beiow to harry me here, the wretched one, the woebegone, and to and fro he drives me aiong thesandy shore. And the wax-compact reed shrills hypnotic notes. Whither lead, O whither, my random and rambling wanderings? Wherein O Cronus’ son, wherein have I erred and why have you yoked me in misertes? Why do you degrade and terrify a poor deranged maid with the goad of the gadfly? Bury me below ground or consume me with fire, throw me to sea mon- sters, let me be devoured, but disdain not me supplicant, king, else I, fleeing pain, will forever be roaming,. Chorus: Did you hear the heifer-horned maiden call?