56 achieve this end; woe thousandfold will rend me, for science is weak when Fate is the foe. Chorus: And who is the awful pilot of Fate? Prometheus: Tri-form Moeres and mindful Erinyes. Chorus: Then even Zeus subject to them? Prometheus: Since what is foredoomed he cannot avert. Chorus: What is doom for Zeus but eternal rule? Prometheus: This, you must neither ask nor know. Chorus: Grave knowledge, that you hide it so. Prometheus: Consider another theme, for this is utterly unfitting now; concealed my knowledge must remain so I can flee my shackling shame. Chorus: May never Zeus whose revenues revert from all be- set my purpose with his power; let him never be my adver- sary; may I never languish through the hour sacrificial, by Oceanus’ quenchless path, while hallowed beasts they immolate for godly feasts; may I never deviate by words pro- voking Zeus’ wrath; may I hold these resolves inviolate. How sweet it is when life’s full orbit runs its course inspired by reassuring hope, when the heart finds voice and does rejoice and galety 1s given scope; but you enforce a fear [ cannot shake or ban, as I see you endure tribwation and endless torture for showing veneration not to mighty Zeus, but man; you indulge yourseif in desotation. See, O friend, what a graceless grace it was; what rampart can defend you—what solace—what guard, can mortals mark- ing days extend? Did you not behotd before the feeble en- terprise of mortal mold, how, dreamwise, men would flutter from one thing to another, helpless, blindly bord? But never more will men transgress the rule of Zeus harmonious. Prometheus, I learned from you these doleful lessons; and