55 ic-stricken, your mind undone; like a poor physician fallen ill, you droop, and cannot cure yourself. Prometheus: Hear my story to the end and you shall won- der somewhat at my cunning. My first concern was medicine, "because if ever man fell ill, his life was doomed without de- fense, for there was neither healing herb nor ointment, nor potion to relieve him; and so he was consumed and spent in in need of soothing remedies, until I prescribed the mixing of balsams healing and preventive. I indicated various ways by which men could presage the future; and it was I who first distinguished dreamy shapes from visions real, who doubt- ful sounds interpreted and signs of meetings by the road; of the flight of bent-beaked birds I told, birds of good omen, birds of ill—their habitats, their mutual loves and hates, and manner of association—the smoothness of their inward parts, what color their gall must be to please the propitiated gods; the form of the compact, spotted liver-lobe; thigh bones wrapped in fat I burned, and the large chine; then I cleared the smoke from signals flamy-eyed, intiating men into a mystic science—but enough of these! I shall speak of benefits that lay enveloped underground, of silver, gold, bronze, and iron; and who is there would dare declare that he unearthed them sooner than I? No one, well I know, lest he indulge in idle chattering. You may learn the truth entire from a single brief summation: every art possessed by man chained Prometheus presented. : Chorus: You advanced mankind beyond its due, do not for- - sake yourself in need; for I am certain you shall yet be free, and powerful as Zeus. ’ Prometheus: Not vet is fate-fulfilling Moera destined to