50 continually hurl forth such bitter, such searing-sharp words, perhaps Zeus, although enthroned up high and far away, may hear, and then your woes now bounding round will seem to be a childish game. So, wretched god, you must expel the pas- sions you possess and seek instead to find release from pain. Perhaps my speech appears prosaic, but your troubles prove the wages of an over-trumpeting tongue. Even now you are unhumbled and unyielding to misfortune, wishing even to enlarge your present store of ilis by others. Therefore account me as your teacher and cease to kick against the pricks; our monarch is supreme alone, he is answerable to no one. But I am leaving now to try and test my strength in your despite; perhaps I can 100sen you from bondage. Rest mild the while and do not roll your words too wild'y; being sharp and subtly wise, do you not know what penalties bite the prating tongue ? Prometheus: I commend your audacity, that stepping free of charge of guilt you dare to share misfortune with me. But leave this care and fret no more; your mightiest care will not move him composed of immobility. And beware lest on the way you draw some harm upon yourself. Oceanus: Your nature suits you to admonish others rather than yourself. I infer this not from rumor—your deeds pro- vide the evidence. So delay not him who hurries. I am certain Zeus will grant your freedom, from respect for me. Prometheus: I am grateful and will ever thank you for your sympathy; your zea: wouid leave no trial undone. Yet do not worry further, if work and worry you shoutd now intend; for no retief, and only trouble woutrd your kindiy effort bring; so be calm, since you are safe. Though toil and trouble be my lot, I would not wish them on the world—though dolor be dealt to my race. I saw my brother Atlas stationed at the place of