46 seeing your awful wound, feel no pity for one so ill-fortuned? So cruel is the heart of Zeus alone. Anger eternal maintains the force of his mood inflexible against the family sprung from old Uranus tyrant tongs subdued; but until his implacable rule be wrung by fraud, or satiety may ease Zeus’ heart, his wrath will never cease. Prometheus: The time will come when this prince of im- mortals has need of me; for me, wasting away, my limbs bound by bonds; for I alone can reveal the new design for rule and who will strip him of sceptre and dignities. But never will Zeus bewitch me or catch me with flattery’s honied charms, nor, ,rabbit-like, will I ever cower under his heavy threats and whimper out my knowledge; he shall gain access to my secret mv):tv.‘,:before he shall slacken my chains and beg to proffer payment for this outrage! Chorus: You are bold inborn, Prometheus, and nothing loosen under bitter woe; your cords will never slacken before your sorrow. Your tongue’s too free for one so freedomless. Shrill dread shudders the fabric of my soul and I fear; where wafts wind to harbor, bringing an end to your voyage of dole? Grown impassable and hoar are the haunts of Cronus’ son and his heart is closed to persuasion. Prometheus: Zeus is intractable I know, holding justice with iron reins. But wait, someday anxiety will soften him, and my secret—a sharp whip—will cut him down from his chair. Then holding his charging rage in check, he will bear quick step upon step, he will bring a pledge of fnendshlp down me, no less expectant. Chorus: Unveil all this mystery, reveal to us the meaning; why does Zeus visit you with blame? He stings you with shames bitter to endure; instruct us, unless it harms to tell.