45 kind overdear. Ah! ah! Again I hear a fluttering motion like birds new come; the air eddies with delicate flurries of wings. Ah! Who is it hurries? Whatever follows me is fearsome. (The chorus of Oceanids enters above, where it remains during the parode.) Chorus: Fear nothing, for love of you, feeling for your doom, we whisked away with the wind in swift rivalry of plume; we worried and won the consent of our sire, then up in the air we spun higher and higher, for it was that fleeting breeze who hurried me, bringing the sound of the clang of ircn which shook my cave’s inmost environ and felled the grave veil of my modesty ;so, sandalless, on feathered skiff, I set off hastily. Prometheus: Ah, you sister band in birth, borne by many- begetting Tethys to your father Oceanus, who whiris about the whole of earth his slumberiess ebb and flow, behold me, see me, rent by woe; penned on a crag of this chasm cleft deep, an unenvied vigil I must keep. Chorus: I see you, Prometheus, and fill with fears; there spreads over my eyes a mist steeped in tears, seeing your body in adamant locks wretchedly wasting away on rocks¢ new pilots guide Olympus’ prow and Zeus holds the helm with iron hands, steering by new and stern commands;the new the olden rules disavow, and those ancient mighty ones are nothing now. Prometheus: I would he had hurled me underground, under Hades, host of the dead, or into Tartarus, impassed; I would that he had savagely wound me in fierce and twisting tangles that no man or god could mock me, mangled; but whipped by the winds, like some wretched toy, I blazen miseries my foes enjoy. Chorus: Is there a god with heart of stone, can any god,