43 Hephaistus: Here are chains wrought for his hands, in view. Power: Now sledge with all your strength and fix them on his wrists. Smite him to the steeps! Hephaistus: The work nears the end without blow in vain. Power: Still faster hammer, throttle, nothing slacken. He “can dodge the best-laid traps. Hephaistus: His elbow now has joints unrelaxing. ¢ | Power: Buckle the other down tight, that our savant, being witty, may learn he is duller than Zeus. Hephaistus: No one but he could justly blame me. £u-S Power: Now muster your might, and straight through his { e chest jut the straining jaw of the wedge. Hephaistus: Prometheus, 1 groan for your pangs. Power: Do you still shrink and weep upon Zeus’ foe? You may grieve for yourself someday. Hephaistus: You behold an unsightly spectacle. Power: [ sce him gaining his deserts. So enlace his ribs around with this girdle. Hephaistus: What I must, I will do, with no orders from you. Power: I'll command! Il hound you to the end. Stoop down and loop his legs in iron! Hephaistus: The toiling is done with no long lapse. Power: Strike fast, and set the piercing fetter. Ourlabor’s overseer is exacting. Hephaistus: Your tonge is as coarse as your countenanc:. Power: Be elegant if you will, but cast no reproaches at my righteous anger. Hephaistus: Let us go. The bonds are about him. Power: There, now! Tackle away boldly, pilfer again the treasure of gods and fit up more tricks to amuse mortals! Can those wisps-of-a-day ever lessen one day of your ageless e R IR