42 will yield to flames of sun your ruddy bloom, and rejoice when night, to shroud the fire, lets fall her robe all star in~ wound; then shall you yearn for the sun’s return to lift the ‘morning’s icy pall. Forever, an ever-present weight of despair will grind you down, since your releaser is yet unborn- Such rewards you have won for yourself by fondling the race of men overmuch. A god among gods you walked above, un- crouching beneath gods’ wrath; but god you were you stooped ‘to bear men gifts and goods above their grasp. Therefore you are guardian over this loveless boulder, you 'will keep a bolted-upright sleepless watch, an wunavailing groan— your voice—Ffor entreaty hardens Zeus’stern heart. The newly great are always harsh. Power: Why delay and busy yourself with pity! Do you not «detest this god the gods hate most of all? He it was who gave .away, to creatures of a day, your rights. ’ Hephaistus: The bonds of blood and race are strong. Power: Yet, do you dare disobey the father, do you quake Tess at the wrath of Zeus? Hephaistus: You are brutal and bloated with insolence. Power: Your bemoaning this thief is stupid! Cease toiling over that profitless task. Hephaistus: Oh handicraft so hateful now! Power: Why hate it? It is certain your craft fashioned no part of today’s doings. Hephaistus: Yet would it had fallen to another’s lot. Power: Every lot burdens, except to rule among gods, for only Zeus is free. Hephaistus: I cannot disprove what this sight proves true. Power: So take hot haste to gripe him with halters lest the father observe you loitering.