PROMETHEUS BOUND (Upon arocky of strip of coast on the Scythian Ocean enter Pow-. er, Force, and Hephaistus, with Prometheus. Power, overween-. ing and arrogant, leads the way up the cliff, while Force, an expressionless mute, follows with Prometheus, who is silent and contemptuous. Hephaistus enters last, his reluctance to partic- ipate in the proceedir;gs emphasized by his conventional limp. ) Power: We have reached earth’s utmost boundary, bare Scythian stretches—untrodden tracts. So you, Hephaistus, come! Attend to the task your father enjoined. Now fasten: this knave-of-all-trades into fierce and grasping chains, which you must cut from adamant, then clamp him on these: hurtling rocks. For he thieved your own bright flower, that spark of art-kindling fire, and carried it from gods to hu- mankind. This is the crime he must expiate so that he should be instructed to fove the reign of Zeus and cease his phiian-- thropic peregrinations. Hephaistus: Power and Force, your work is done and nothing further ties you here, but I am foathly bound to stay and bind a fellow god to this gorge which winter storms have long deformed. However, I must gather boldness for the deed, as it is grave to disregard the father’s speech. (to Prometheus) Son of Themis, sage in counsel, you formed a high and head-- long plan, and so, unwilling, I must hammer you, unwil- ling, to this crag. I must bind you with unbreakable: bronze upon this steep sundered from man, where neither mortal shape nor sound you will discern; but you