B e 32 THE CRIME OF PROMETHEUS guage which, wearing the mask of Self, proffers him a spur- ious sacrament of speech, a logic derived from analogues of ideas—the concept of classes of events. The members of these classes obtain meaning not from a realm of essence, but they are conceived as freely bound events being united into a term through their own inner force. Since the only definition for such a class is an entailing force of the class “in itself,” a field relation between members, its concept is basically dual. There is no center for a class of events to rest on. Its concept renders evena tautology contradictory. Thus the paradox rooted in an ego-centered society reappears in modern logic. This logic thus has no principle of self-consistency. Its implicit aim is to yield formulas of necessary entailment of itself, to achieve its own self-binding through future events. i It becomes a monologue that ever only tends to approach self-proof, for it lacks essential terms. It forms the basis for a wholly natural language that can suck the mass-man into dogmatic obedience to its tenet that truth always waits to be produced by his corporate brotherhood. Thus the speech of the mass-man becomes a collection of individual mono- * logues conceived as contributing to the infinite monologue of pure being, the comprehensive summation of all speech parts at some distant time. The Modern Spirit is engaged in conditioning men to spiritual silence so that a uniform technique of inquiry may be perfected for the increase and consumption of information in a purely technological universe of discourse, the ultimate monologue of spirit voided into matter. Faith in the perfectibility of this inquisitorial mono- logue forms in the mass its ground for unanimity and opti- mism in a commonly held future. The mass, in merely being a consensus of witnesses of events, arrogates to itself, in the name of this being’s perfect self-proof and in abro- gation of reason, the ultimate tribunal of verification. Thus language, like society, grounded in the production of exis-