THE CRIME OF PROMETHEUS 25 gress of his inward struggle with conflicting motives of ego- tism and communal fidelity, the motives which guide his course in the infinite field given for his action. He is no longer per- mitted to come to grip with the profound paradox resulting from Prometheus’ crime. He merely engages a problem cr- thodox communal humanity, with time and understanding, will ostensibly solve through its inquisitorial prerogatives. It will simply wash the paradox from its body with confes- sed streams of words. Therefore the problem presented in a modern drama cries each time for re-solution because it can- not, like the Prometheus tragedy, undertake the real fact of crime and human crisis. For, of what gain is it to confess the crime—if the crime is no gain? Our human scene is defaced by the babbling confessings of bad actors and our language traduced. Our human scene is now overrun by the Titan brother- hood of Prometheus’ cycle, and his Nemesis, the Modern Spirit of our times, has taken over the rubble of Dionysus’altar for the purpose of obverting the one crime he could not digest— the return of Greek drama’s sacramental hero to unseat him. Sterily he presides over the modern scene, leading his vo- taries inexorably towards the path where Prometheus found them “rushing headlong into death.” Under his guidance men, as if entranced with their own extinction, race feverishly toward their doom, perverting the arts and sciences bestowed by Greek religion, to the and that Prometheus must lie so heavily chained that only universal destruction will put him out of his agony. Thus the paradoxical dogma which holds that the brotherhood of man in its perfectible spatial and temporal totality is the true sacramental body has resulted inintol- erable crisis as the brothers, in love’s name, pursue the dark and bloodthirsty division of their inheritance, each finding his portion to be only a progress, a bridge leading into the endless, enticing landscape of their common ground. This drama directed by the Promethean Nemesis