of / 22 THE CRIME OF PROMETHEUS. cable Prometheus felt his bonds, the more forcibly he affir- med the inviolability of his pure freedom of will, the quintessence of egotism. And so he remained crucified to a sterile rock. For, had he not made Zeus’ fire a sterile force? He lay exposed to hostile winds blowing hot, cold, and con- trary. He was lapped by the sea, fire’s death. Yetin this des- olation Prometheus obtained his desire. Wishing to master the universe he had, by the Fates’ just irony, become master of the void. He gloried not in his lot, but in his lack of 1it. His pride was in his rock. His rock formed an immovable wedge between heaven and earth,and while he lay midway in irons he blocked communion between gods and men. ' It was when Zeus sent Hermes, Prometheus’ successor, that Prometheus felt the bitterest sting. He saw a new god enjoying the honors of which he was deprived. Prometheus, chained in his desert wildness, caught a glimpse of the fruits for which he hungered and was seized by spite. Never had his own sufferings brought him to sueh a dangerous point, He had indulged in self-pity and had yearned for sym- pathy. He was to know utter weariness of spirit. In his punishment he had acknowledged no dishonor, but shame at his felt envy of the god tormented his pride, and as storms churned sky and earth into a chaos moving in on him, he flung a final contemptuous taunt to the master-god. Sinking into the dark emptiness of space and deeper ruin, he still raised his unrepenting voice into oblivion. Locked now in his ego’s windowless prison, Prometheus began forging his own Nemesis. He was weighted by matter’s degradation, sucked downward by 1ts gravity, deafened by 1ts ceaseless whirl in void, his thoughts become voiceless echoes. Thus abandoned, he felt his own absurdity. Here was burnt in the minds of all Prometheus’ creatures the seductive, mem- orted image of the rock cutting the infinite, dark vista of space which is Prometheus’ domain, outside, beyond, and cut adrift from each godly precinct. Here it was he dreamed out his nightmare of penetrating this wall of space, of mas- & el