— e T—— e | U ——— —— 18 THE CRIME OF PROMETHEUS if suddenty deprived of its healing potion, feir from glory. Dionysus had been the common meal that sustained society. © Yet, all the elements of the crisis had been present when the worship of Dionysus had been introduced—fanatical per- sonal rivalry, free-thinking, political treachery, foreign in- fluences, and the shift from iand aristocracy to commericia: democracy. It was to a declining society, one becoming relig- jousty remiss, that Dionysus appeared, not as an innovator but as a restorer of his father’s worship. His mission was to revivify in men the vision of the higher man by being sacra- mentaily present as the offering of the ritual drama. A god, yet a man, ambiguous, ironic, self-mocking, Dio- nysus dies, as a man, in order to scoff, as a god, at all that men consider profitable, useful, virtuous, and correct. He 1s law- breaker and misleader. He causes men to stray from their beaten paths, to become blind among familiar scenes, to be proved ignorant in their knowledge, and to feel themselves barren in their fertility. He taught that there was sight, and again sight; hearing, and again hearing. Being of two-fold nature he spoke in parable. The god-man is the living par- able. Dionysus is concealed by his manhood, and he shows himself as a man. As man, he suffers from the richness of his godliness. He desires to be seen, to bestow, and to be known in his word. Desiring vessels for his overfiow, he descended upon the human stage to be sacrificed. Onty a man-god coutd feer this necessity for being partaken of. He was the fire of the vine, needing a culture wherein his virtue could seed. A holy pre- cinct, fenced off from the universe, must be his bestowing place. The Greek theater was designed as such a sanctuary. It was laid out like an altar for him, Dionysus, gentle physician, the feast of plenty, wine to be spilt on the stone. The taste of him restored the innocent animality of men. He made the human appetite sounder, purer, more bestial, more sensible,