THE CRIME OF PROMETHEUS 15 lineage and engendered a new, semi-divine race of heroes through the woman lo, a purified one, horned, met in the guise of a cow or new moon. Io was the sacramental animal segregated from all creatures of earth to bear the seed of Prometheus’ de.iverance. She was the ancestress of Heracies, his reconciier, and a long line of heroes. Through these heroes men received a portion of the gods’ being, and when this being 1s the measure, he sow of man may be filled by very ljttle, yet the universe itseif cannot contain it. Master-men they become at last. Prometheus, in forcing Zeus to send an intercessor in his behalf, brought about the necessity for the religious institution of tragic drama, in which a god is made to appear among men as a refreshment from Olympus and as a gift of freedom from the awful burdens of Prometheus. Central to Greek tragic drama was the god-man Dionysus, whom, as with each of the sacramental race, Earth was loath to bear, fearing his mastery. So, he was snatched up and was born a second time in Zeus, whereupon he descended to earth and mingled first with the uncorrupted beasts, who immediate- ly recognized him. Chief among his followers was the goat- man Silenus, who taught that men in their natural state were abandoned creatures, made in mockery of the true, sacramental man. He sang out his own longing for fulfilment through Dionysus. Without illusion or self-deceit he showed himself as a living mockery of the god he desired. He instruct- ed men in the ways of a world which was, after all, but mock scene and drama to the audience of gods, among whom the real drama had been determined from eternity. Yet, he taught, even by this mockery one night engage their atten- tion, their favor, and even their participation. Silenus and his followers therefore mocked, with their drunken fertility orgies, the life-giving god Dionysus. They mocked the painfulness of their own abundance, mimicked the grotesqueness of their creaturliness, and the god, drawn by the simulation of this powers, first appeared to these