14 THE CRIME OF PROMETHEUS her by devising a formula that will yield him the totality of her parts—the illusion of illusions! In line with this he obli- ges himself to act in the name of the totality of his brothers in establishing a universal technological tyranny. Hence is inflamed is him that prurient egotism that desires to em- brace the entire universe of time and space as its portion and but wastes energy and erodes the will for no real gain. In his predatory quest through the transformations of matter for the real matrix of rest and order each brother walks alone, yet with the despotically felt duty to progress forward in the name of all his fellow men, rivals with universal claims equal in right to his. The brothers, thus turned over to nature, are made by nature separate, solitary, hostile, each compelled to give battle to the other for his inheritance, and are also made, by nature, brothers in bondage, each direly needing the amalgamation of all the others into a mass-society of inces- sant mobility and variance. For, according to ancient mother- right, no single brother will ever become master. The same technology which is the condition of universal brotherhood, with its irresponsible and exclusive right of force, insidious- ly disarms each. The more Prometheus strove to forward his technolog- ical monolith in his conspiracy against Zeus, the tighter he bound himself to the shadows of earth and the more un- speakable became his torment of solitude among the earth- men. He was a god and longed to dwell among peers. He had held fire; now he lay in darkness. He raged with contradic- tory desires: to be free; to be a god on high; to bring Zeus «down low with him. He wished to be saved from the nightmare of his own artful creation. Once his mother had whispered to him in secret that even Zeus, should he father a son by a goddess of the old earth-race, as was his wish, would himself fall by the hand of that son. Prometheus, in his desperate need, decided to make use of this knowledge in bringing Zeus to terms. Under this threat, Zeus forsook the daughter of ancient