10 THE CRIME OF PROMETHEUS drift like sand among rocks, is strangely siient in contrast. It seems preoccupied, abstracted, and plunged into reverie. Along innumerable orderly streets these masses hurry on unap- parent and mysterious quests, moving from place to place, rov- ing over an increasingly flattened landscape. Although their goal is unknown, the roads thereto are marvelously smooth. A faith in the ultimate beneficent external ordering of ways and means of living has replaced the ancient faith in thought and discourse as the free man’s instruments for obtaining the life of reason. The modern masses are bound to be happy. They are chained by adamantine laws through which a lone and concealed and increasingly abstract spiritual force be- comes manifest. This alteration in spiritua: direction has a source and symbol in Prometheus on the rock, punished for a crime of such magnitude that he inspired never-ending terror in the Greeks, yet he elicits only pity from the modern man. Of all the heroes brought forth upon the Attic stage, the giant Prometheus represented man in his largest dimensions and in his vastest capacity for suffering. Certainly the dark, enigmatical Titan of Aeschylus’ tragedy was the most spec- tacular as well as the most monstrous of the tragic offerings. The daimon Prometheus was the son of earth and a brother of those Titans who had castrated their father and had fallen thus under their father’s curse to the effect that none of them should succeed him. In the Titans’ war against the Olympian gods Prometheus had betrayed his brothers and had aligned himself with the gods. Though he had used all his guile in the defeat of his fellow Titans’ the gods had, even so, rejected the victor’s claim of this ungodiy magician- priest, and he had remained portioniess in their estate. Crafty counselor to the gods, he was barred from enjoying their rights. From his brothers, whom he had brought low, he was eternally estranged. He was Prometheus the fateless. Prometheus, arrogant, revengeful, all-knowing, and wrathful, was a dangerous exi.e from divine communion, a N el