r.ji.BohZ ittwtmww. R■Zvh(.mArn!ffj^ JJ'<§ "&,Q S.B rillhnirt* U#Na'1 J ni./>sou\ \Zhf[Sh.isTer' 'W?*$al-sierj‘'' Jns •.dt^ti ter B* W 'nrless I |Grisham. aRSer •eras' Mmm Township 3, N map of ™T™S?,P Range 2 E. This Township was first settled in 1824 or 1825. Abraham Carloclr and a Mr: Harberd occupying cabins on sections 16 and 20. The first School was taught by William Onion in 1835 The first Ubmoh was erected by the Kcgnlnr Baptists in 1842, Amaaiah Howard being their pastor. The town of Oberlin was laid out some 15 years ago by J. M. Onion. Woodland township is a timbered townahip bit by untiring industry the timber has fallen and some of the finest farms in the county have been made within its borders.