ur & rewire111^ —; , i i ______ Ifcfcfcrd, ta 1822. Tin b« Chon* TO organised in 1835, by Henry Summers. Tho first School was in JBB Johnson nettled in the township in 1824, nnd, some time afterward, laid met the town of Weter->tt Wre that did god TO*. In 1836 there TO a mill, turned by hand, in the Johnson fondly, that many JET.* J- j lOWNSHEP. fte e*k a locality in Fnlton County. The party crossed the Illinois River at Peoria, where they found three dual. SI. Rosa. They found a location to suit them on Section 34, Isabel Township, where Mr. Gardner still FARM RESIDENCE OF JAMES HEELER, SEC.36,WATERFORD TP.