Range 4E SawMiil* La(>>#/ hi$tip>rt Ulcoch. R Robuch mim R^Preatoip II Ilemui^fXjv isoti. J Griasby, i M&m S R Quuf ly orgarv VJSlCfigyk; T Keeler .■Tiiiwpfo#L Ke eta• XenTt \-JrM-: Conklin. H^iany rfhe first saw-mill was built on Big Sister Creek, in 1833, by Mr. Clark. It had one run of stone and a bolt There was enough water in the k • year. The second saw-mill was put up by 0. Little and William L. Barker, on Buckheart Creek, in 1835—since better known as Mans’ Mill °Th & &tUM to mn tlie ““U seven or eight months in the year. The first Sunday-school was started in December, 1839, as a Union School, in Liverpool. The first church was a Baptist, called the Sale M ^ ^ ^ ^ Wafer Cnough to eight months in the ^jwag built by the ,01d-School Presbyterians, in Liverpool, in 1847. The first School-house was built on the north-west comer of Section 30° called th^ng|lloufai- of log8’ “*1836- The first frame church