In 1822, Theodore Sergeant, Capt D. W. Barnes and Charles Sergeant came into the township and settled on the place now occupied by John Lane, Esq., on Section 21. The town of Canton •was staked off December 10th, 1825, since which time the history of the town has been the history of the township. Canton Township has every possible advantage that can fell to the lot of a community to enjoy. The soil eannot be exoelled. It is well watered; coal is in abundance; timber is in the immediate vicinity, in great quantities; two prominent Railroads pass through it; and the beautiful oity of Canton is within a short drive of every farm in the township. The Fulton County Fair Grounds are inside the corporation limits of Canton, and. are second to no fair grounds in tire United States. Many of the best farmers in the Township pay their entire attention to the raising of pure-blooded hogs.